Istanbul Arnavutköy Municipality
  • Duties and Working Regulations

    3 year ago


    Purpose, Scope, Legal Basis, Definition and Principles
    ARTICLE 1- (1) The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate and implement the establishment, duties, powers and responsibilities, working procedures and principles of the Civil Defense Unit.
    ARTICLE 2- (1) This Regulation covers the Unit's purpose of establishment, fields of activity, organizational structure, and the duties, powers and responsibilities of managers and other personnel.
    Legal Basis
    ARTICLE 3- (1) Disaster and Civil Defense Expertise, Municipality Law No. 5393, Civil Servants Law No. 657, Labor Law No. 4857, Tender Laws No. 4734 and 4735, Law No. 5902 on the Organization and Duties of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Law No. 7269 on Measures to be Taken and Aids to be Made Due to Disasters Affecting Public Life, Law No. 4123 on the Execution of Services Regarding Damage and Destruction Caused by Natural Disasters, Law No. 7126 on Civil Defense, Law No. 6305 on Disaster Insurance, Law No. 6306 on the Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk, Law No. 4539 on the Adoption of the Decree Law on the Resolution of Legal Disputes Arising from Disasters in Natural Disaster Areas and Facilitation of Certain Transactions, Regulation on the Norm Staff Principles and Standards of Municipalities and Affiliated Organizations and Local Administrative Unions and other relevant legislation.
    ARTICLE 4- (1) In this Regulation;
    a) Sub Unit Officer: The person who is responsible to the Unit Manager for the execution of the sub-units and activities of the unit,
    b) Sub-Unit: The unit established by the Unit Manager in order to carry out the duties, powers and responsibilities of the Unit more effectively and efficiently by allocating the duties, powers and responsibilities of the Unit and carries out the duties assigned to it according to the orders and instructions of the Unit Manager,
    c) Mayor: Mayor of Arnavutköy Municipality,
    d) Deputy Mayor: Deputy Mayor of Arnavutköy Municipality,
    e) Presidency: Mayor of Arnavutköy Municipality,
    f) Municipality Arnavutköy Municipality,
    g) Unit Disaster and Civil Defense Expertise,
    h) Unit manager: Refers to the Civil Defense Specialist.

    Basic Principles
    ARTICLE 5- In all activities of the unit;
    a. Transparency in decision-making, implementation and actions,
    b. Appropriateness and relevance in the provision and delivery of services,
    c. Accountability,
    d. Participation in internal management and decisions concerning the district,
    e. Fairness in practices and equality in service,
    f. Effectiveness and efficiency in the use of municipal resources,
    g. To provide quality and people-oriented services,
    h. To work in a planned, effective and efficient manner,
    i. Modern and social municipalism, impartiality in decision-making, implementation and service,
    j. Sustainability in services,
    It is based on fundamental principles.

    Establishment, Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities

    Organization and Subunits
    ARTICLE 6- (1) Civil Defense Expertise in Arnavutköy District Municipality established by Law No. 5747; Law No. 5393 on Municipality, Law No. 5902 on the Organization and Duties of the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Law No. 7269 on Measures to be Taken and Assistance to be Provided in Case of Disasters Affecting Public Life, Law No. 4123 on the Execution of Services Regarding Damage and Destruction Caused by Natural Disasters, Based on the provisions of the Civil Defense Law No. 7126, the Disaster Insurance Law No. 6305, the Law No. 6306 on the Transformation of Areas Under Disaster Risk and the Regulation on the Norm Staff Principles and Standards of Municipalities and Affiliated Organizations and Local Administrative Unions, it was established with the decision of the City Council dated 05. It was established with the decision dated 09.2019 and numbered 66.
    Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of the Unit
    ARTICLE 7- (1) Regarding the duties, powers and responsibilities of the Unit
    1) To prepare the budget proposals of the unit for each budget year,
    2) To prepare goods and service procurement files for the works to be carried out in the unit,
    3) To ensure the physical and personnel civil defense security of the institution,
    4) To work on issues related to the disaster and emergency safety of the public and other living beings and the environment within the service boundaries,
    5) To make emergency preparations before and after disasters,
    6) To carry out legislation and planning studies related to the Disaster Management Center,
    7) To carry out community participation and training activities,
    8) Conducting studies with relevant institutions, organizations and experts,
    9) Establishing, training, equipping and keeping response teams ready,
    10) Assigning sufficient administrative, technical and professional staff,
    11) Preparing equipment for dispatch and administration, transportation, communication,
    12) To ensure coordination with non-governmental organizations, to develop and implement projects on disaster response and civil defense,
    13) Develop disaster emergency risk management plans and contribute to the District Disaster Plan,
    14) To ensure that the unit budget is used in the most economical way while preparing the unit performance program and budget in accordance with the strategic plan and carrying out the activities included in the performance program,
    15) To ensure the preparation of unit activity reports and to ensure that the unit activity reports are entered monthly into the Municipality Management System and the realization reports of the activities included in the performance program,
    16) To ensure that the Integrated Management System studies are carried out,
    17) To fulfill the requirements of the letters received by the unit,
    18) To prepare and implement an annual fire, earthquake and emergency drill plan,
    19) Training disaster volunteers,
    20) Preparing written and visual documents for training purposes to reduce disaster damages,
    21) To ensure that documents are archived in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, taking into account the periods required to be kept by law.
    22) To fulfill other duties assigned by superiors in accordance with the legislation.

    Organization, Personnel Qualifications, Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities

    Duties of the Unit Manager
    ARTICLE 8- (1) The Administrator shall;
    1) To fulfill the duties related to the general and common authorities and responsibilities of managers,
    2) Managing the unit and ensuring the employment of sufficient number and quality of personnel,
    3) To examine the incoming and outgoing documents and to ensure the follow-up of the results by referring them to the relevant sub-unit responsible,
    4) To make correspondence between institutions and directorates of the unit, to exchange information and to ensure coordination,
    5) Monitoring the attendance/absenteeism of unit personnel,
    6) To prepare the work plan, program and budget of the unit,
    7) To ensure that the information flow, records, reports and correspondence related to the activities under his/her responsibility are organized, stored and, if necessary, confidential in accordance with the relevant laws, regulations, decrees, internal instructions and rules,
    8) To represent the municipality within the framework of the procedures, limits and instructions determined by the Presidency and to fulfill the duties assigned,
    9) To use its duties and powers in a manner that will protect the interests and reputation of the Municipality and enhance its positive image,
    10) To protect the personality and personal rights of the personnel and to treat the personnel in their organization with fairness and equality,
    11) To prepare personal and professional training programs to improve the quality of service and to ensure that relevant publications and information resources are utilized,
    12) Carrying out activities related to personnel planning, identifying personnel needs in a systematic manner and ensuring that appointments are made accordingly,
    13) Responsible for the management, administration and discipline of the unit,
    14) To evaluate the success and performance of the personnel working in the unit,
    15) To ensure that the duties of the unit are carried out in a complete and timely manner and to follow up,
    16) To determine the goals, objectives and strategies of the unit in strategic plan studies,
    17) Preparing the budget of the unit performance program in accordance with the strategic plan and ensuring that the unit budget is used in the most economical way while carrying out the activities included in the performance program,
    18) To approve the monthly entries of the unit activity report to the Municipality Management System for the realization reports of the activities included in the performance program,
    19) To follow administrative and legislative developments,
    20) Coordinating the response to disasters and emergencies and informing senior managers,
    21) To monitor, review and fulfill the requirements of the legislation, publications and directives related to the services,
    22) To ensure cooperation and coordination between the Agency and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate and other public institutions and organizations,
    23) To supervise disaster, civil defense, emergency, mobilization and protective security services carried out in public institutions and organizations subject to the supervision of the Agency,
    24) To ensure the coordination of protective security services, to monitor and supervise the service on behalf of the senior supervisor of the institution,
    25) To perform the duties assigned by the senior manager of the organization in accordance with the relevant legislation.

    Powers of the Unit Manager
    ARTICLE 9- (1) The Administrator shall;
    1) To use all the powers granted by the Presidency,
    2) To ensure coordination in the execution of all the duties of the unit, to supervise the staff, to ensure coordination in the work,
    3) To make a division of duties to ensure working order among its staff
    4) To determine the principles of behavior in the workplace and to take measures to ensure discipline,
    5) To prepare the budget draft of the Unit every year and submit it to the Presidency and to use the budget of the Unit as the Spending Authority within the framework of the relevant legislation and the principles determined.
    6) To impose disciplinary penalties within its authority,
    7) To make performance evaluations of the personnel working under the unit, to make recommendations to the authority to which he/she is attached for personnel transactions such as awards and commendations, relocation,
    8) Planning the leave processes of unit personnel,
    9) Correspondence between units and directorates,
    10) To determine and propose to his/her supervisor the person who will replace him/her in case he/she temporarily leaves his/her duty,
    11) He/she is authorized to resolve disputes and disagreements that may arise in the unit, to use his/her powers and to inform the President regularly on these issues.

    Responsibilities of the Manager
    ARTICLE 10- (1) In matters falling within the scope of his/her duties and authorities:
    1) Accountable to the competent authorities, showing the necessary effort for the regular and complete execution of the unit's transactions, fulfilling its powers and duties, responsible to the Senior Manager.

    Sub-units Affiliated to the Unit and Their Duties
    Article 11- (1) The Unit is composed of Administrative Affairs, Planning, Training and Volunteering and Search and Rescue sub-units. The duties, authorities and responsibilities of the sub-units are as follows:

    A) Administrative Affairs Subunit
    1) To organize incoming and outgoing document registration and embezzlement books and to make and finalize all kinds of correspondence,
    2) Keeping records of incoming and outgoing documents,
    3) To prepare the general activity report of the unit by collecting reports on the work and transactions of all sub-units on a daily, weekly, monthly and annual basis,
    4) Preparing a tender file,
    5) To prepare the annual budget for the unit,
    6) To request all kinds of equipment and materials needed by the unit from the relevant units,
    7) To take advances for the purchase and repair of all kinds of materials needed,
    8) Control and follow-up of the arrival and departure of the staff on weekdays and weekends, preparation of signature charts and making salary-based payrolls,
    9) Preparing the list of personnel who will work on weekday evenings and weekends and notifying the staff,
    10) To follow up the visits and rests of the personnel,
    11) To make the annual leave procedures of the personnel,
    12) To ensure that the payrolls are sorted, the monthly declarations and period payrolls of the personnel are checked and submitted to the Social Insurance Institution.
    13) To make correspondence and prepare the necessary accruals for death, birth, leave and education benefits,
    14) To prepare and follow up the documents of the retirement procedures of the personnel,
    15) To ensure the execution of other duties stipulated by the relevant legislation and the duties assigned by the supervisor,
    16) To ensure that all clerical work is carried out diligently.

    B) Planning Sub-Unit
    1) To prepare and update civil defense plans,
    2) To coordinate the planning related to TAMP (Turkey Disaster Response Plan),
    3) To coordinate the planning of the institution regarding evacuation,
    4) To prepare a Disaster Response Plan,
    5) To ensure the establishment of civil defense services.
    6) To plan the procurement and supply of tools, equipment and materials required for disaster, civil defense and emergency services in coordination with the relevant units and to follow up the maintenance and protection of the existing ones,
    7) Determining the necessary appropriation for disaster, civil defense, emergency and mobilization services in coordination with the relevant units and ensuring that it is included in the budget,
    8) Coordinating the response to disasters and emergencies and informing senior managers,
    9) To monitor, review and fulfill the requirements of the legislation, publications and directives related to the services,
    10) To ensure cooperation and coordination between the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency, Provincial Disaster and Emergency Directorate and other public institutions and organizations,
    11) To carry out works and procedures related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense,
    12) To carry out the procedures for receiving and giving warning and alarm news and operating the siren system within the institution,
    13) To organize and carry out the services of the institution related to shelters,
    14) To supervise disaster, civil defense, emergency, mobilization and protective security services carried out in public institutions and organizations subject to the supervision of the Agency,
    15) To ensure that the work and transactions related to mobilization and state of war preparations are carried out and carried out,
    16) To provide secretariat service of the Disaster Management Center of the institution, to ensure coordination with the Provincial, District Disaster and Emergency Management Center,
    17) To coordinate the planning of the institution regarding evacuation,
    18) To ensure the establishment of civil defense services and to have them trained,
    19) To ensure the coordination of protective security services, to monitor and supervise the service on behalf of the superior of public institutions and organizations,
    20) To perform the duties assigned by the senior manager of the organization in accordance with the relevant legislation.

    C) Education and Volunteering Sub-Unit (AFEM)
    1) To establish and put into operation a “Disaster Training Center”,
    2) To carry out all kinds of works and transactions related to the Disaster Training Center,
    3) To plan, coordinate and ensure the implementation of trainings to be given to citizens, NGOs, Disaster Volunteers, students and institutional personnel. Identifying training needs that may arise outside the training plan and ensuring its implementation,
    4) To train personnel involved in the management of disaster and emergency processes,
    5) To follow current information on professional development and participate in relevant seminars and workshops,
    6) To monitor and evaluate the processes related to the use of existing Disaster and Emergency teaching materials, to develop problems and solutions related to the processes,
    7) To monitor and evaluate disaster and emergency training services provided by public institutions and organizations, national professional chambers, universities, NGOs and private sector,
    8) To organize all kinds of statistical information related to training activities and to evaluate the results,
    9) To carry out volunteering services and training procedures for citizens,
    10) Organizing seminars on disasters and emergencies,
    11) To give or have given First Aid, Search and Rescue and Fire trainings,
    12) To follow up the Afis containers, to eliminate their deficiencies,
    13) To provide or have provided training on disaster, civil defense, emergency, chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats and hazards, protective security and first aid to the personnel of the institution and the personnel of private organizations subject to the supervision of the institution
    14) To provide secretariat services on behalf of the institution in drills organized on disaster, civil defense, emergency and mobilization, to ensure that drills are organized and carried out in the institution on these issues.

    4) Search and Rescue Subunit (ARKUR)
    1) To carry out search, rescue, first aid and social assistance services in war, disasters, major fires and major accidents,
    2) In war, disasters and accidents; to carry out the measurement services of nuclear, biological, chemical (CBRN) substances to the extent possible, to deliver them to the relevant units, to assist in the cleaning (decontamination) of (CBRN) substances,
    3) Coordinating the work of volunteer individuals and organizations participating in search and rescue activities,
    4) To prepare training programs to increase the theoretical, practical, knowledge and skills and physical capabilities of the team personnel and to ensure that they are prepared for the task at any time, to ensure their implementation,
    5) Planning and implementing day and night drills,
    6) To participate in training and exercises to be held at home and abroad for training purposes, and to participate in rescue and aid activities in disasters that may occur at home or abroad upon request or when necessary,
    7) Participating in the practical parts of the courses opened by the governorships on rescue, first aid and social assistance,
    8) Conducting communication, gathering, and deployment drills,
    9) To plan the procurement and supply of the tools, equipment and materials required for disaster, civil defense and emergency services in coordination with the relevant units and to follow up the maintenance and protection of the existing ones,
    10) To carry out works and procedures related to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense,
    11) Conducting joint training and exercises with NGOs.

    Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of the Subunit Manager
    ARTICLE 12- (1) The sub-unit manager is responsible to the Unit Manager for the effective and efficient execution of the tasks assigned to the sub-unit by the Manager in accordance with the vision and mission of the Municipality and the goals and objectives set out in the Strategic Plan.
    (2) The Sub-Unit Manager is responsible for ensuring that the work and transactions of the sub-unit under his/her supervision are carried out appropriately, effectively, economically and efficiently within the framework of the relevant legislation and the instructions and authorizations to be received from the Manager, assisting the Manager in his/her duties, and being accountable to the Manager for the results of his/her activities.

    Duties, Authorities and Responsibilities of Subunit Officers
    ARTICLE 13- ( 1) A sufficient number of sub-unit officers shall be assigned by the Administrator to assist the sub-unit officer in the functioning of the sub-units and to carry out the work in the unit. Sub-unit officers are responsible to the unit and sub-unit responsible while maintaining their duties and powers.

    Miscellaneous and Final Provisions
    Matters Not Included in the Regulation
    ARTICLE 14- (1) The provisions of the relevant legislation in force shall apply to the matters not covered in this Regulation.
    ARTICLE 15- (1) This regulation enters into force upon its adoption and finalization by the Municipality Assembly.
    (2) With the entry into force of this regulation, the “Arnavutköy Municipality Disaster and Civil Defense Expertise Organization, Duties and Working Regulation” adopted by the decision of Arnavutköy Municipality Council dated 05.09.2019 and numbered 66 shall be abrogated.
    ARTICLE 16- (1) The provisions of this Bylaw shall be executed by the Mayor.

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