Istanbul Arnavutköy Municipality

Directorate of Support Services

•    To perform or have third parties perform works related to the maintenance and repairs of service buildings owned by the municipality,
•    To regularly clean or have third parties clean the outer spaces, exteriors and interiors of service buildings (offices, common areas and toilets) in municipal property,
•    To ensure the safety of service buildings located on municipal property,
•    To ensure that food service is provided to municipal personnel in the municipality's service buildings,
•    To make subscription transactions and keep records of electricity, water, natural gas and telephone lines of service buildings owned by the municipality,
•    To track the bills of electricity, water, natural gas and landlines and to pay the bills,
•    To prepare tender files for the works to be tendered by the Directorate in accordance with the applicable laws
•    To perform the necessary tasks related to tender files referred by other directorates to the tender bureau of our directorate pursuant to the applicable laws, to follow them and to finalize the tender file,
•    To prepare the files of the goods and material needs requests transferred by other directorates to the purchasing office of our directorate and to perform the purchasing operations,.
•    To keep records of fixtures and to take the necessary measures for the meticulous protection of all fixtures,
•    To record and take the necessary actions to protect the movable properties belonging to the municipality pursuant to the regulation on movable properties,
•    To prepare a budget suitable for strategic planning and to ensure that it is used in the most economical way,
•    To fulfill the duties given by the Law No. 5393 and other laws and regulations

Where is the Directorate?
Address: Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Arnavutköy/Istanbul
Phone Number: 444 4 597

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