Istanbul Arnavutköy Municipality

Directorate of Environmental Protection and Control


Directorate of Environmental Protection and Control

• To fulfill the duties assigned by the Mayor based on the Municipal Law No. 5393 and described in this regulation in accordance with the relevant laws,
• To ensure that waste is reduced at its source, segregated according to its characteristics, collected, transported, disposed of and recovered within the scope of relevant laws and regulations; to prepare, implement and audit plans and projects,
• To regularly collect the garbage of the total area of 447 km² of the 38 neighborhoods located within the boundaries of our district in accordance with the program and to transport it to transfer stations and landfills,
• To clean and wash all neighborhoods, main arterial roads and main streets by worker personnel (sweepers) and sweeping machines; to wash and disinfect garbage container within the boundaries of our district,
• To collect the waste (categorized as other type of waste than defined) of manufacturing plants in our district by a sufficient number of vehicles and personnel and transport it to waste disposal areas,
• To regularly collect garbage on district bazaars immediately after the bazaar is removed and to wash the area,
• To clean all schools, official institutions and places of worship located within the boundaries of our district,
• • To hang warning banners and signs in places where garbage is haphazardly thrown and picnics are held,
• To identify and monitor all activities harming surface and underground waters, sea, air, soil and human health for the purpose of protecting and improving the environment and landscaping; to take the necessary measures to control, reduce or eliminate negative effects; to work in coordination with the relevant institutions and organizations when necessary, to conduct audits, to evaluate complaints, to identify the persons, institutions and organizations that cause pollution, to apply the legal legislation, to eliminate the negative consequences and to ensure compliance with the criteria and standards,
• To carry out educational and informational activities aimed at protecting the environment and environmental health and increase environmental awareness; to prepare and implement plans and projects, to organize environmental events, to participate in the events and organizations held,
•To prepare annual reports, strategic plans and performance programs related to the field of activity.

Where is the Directorate?
Address: Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Arnavutköy/Istanbul
Phone Number: 444 4 597

Where is the Additional Service Building of the Directorate?
Address: Arnavutköy Merkez Neighborhood, Mecitözü Street, No: 14 Arnavutköy/Istanbul
Phone Number: 444 4 597

Web: Click Here

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