With a population of 551, Yassiören Neighborhood has an area of 41 million 090 thousand 732 m². Built in our neighborhood by our municipality, Akpınar Park and Yassıören Park offer healthy and social living opportunities to citizens in our neighborhood. Children can receive educational services from Yassıören Elementary School, Private Mavi Yelken Elementary School, Private Mavi Yelken Middle School, Private Beyaz Yelken Anatolian High School and Private Beyaz Yelken Middle School located in our neighborhood. Yassiören Köyü Mosque and Hacı Sıdıka Akpınar Mosque are the main places of worship in our neighborhood. Akpınar Industrial Zone is also within the boundaries of our neighborhood.

Important Addresses:
Yassıören Neighborhood Muhtar's Office (Mukhtar: Abdulkadir ATAY) Address: Yassıören Neighborhood,
Eski Edirne Asfaltı No: 1950/B Tel: 0212 773 01 85
Hadımköy Akpınar Industrial Zone Address: Hadımköy Neighborhood,
Hadımköy Yassıören Street, Tel: 0212 780 06 91

Note: Detailed information about our neighborhood can be accessed from the neighborhood mukhtar's office.

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