Anadolu Neighborhood, the most populous neighborhood of Arnavutköy with a population of 38 thousand 263, has an area of 1 million 534 thousand 940 m².
The National Library with 4,500 books, named after Cahit Zarifoglu, one of the Seven Good Men, is also within the boundaries of our neighborhood in Arnavutköy Municipality.
Our citizens can get health care services from the Anatolian Family Health Center located in our neighborhood and from the Şifa Pharmacy, Marmara Pharmacy and Ayışığı Pharmacy in our neighborhood.
Also, our municipality offers citizens healthy and social life opportunities with the Martyr Private Sebahattin Akgül Park, Martyr Private Muammer Kavis Park, Erinç Street Park, Park for the Disabled, Aşık Veysel Park, Anadolu Park, Arnavutköy City Park as well as play groups, fitness units, recreational areas and other outdoor sports fields.
Children and young people can receive educational services at Aşık Veysel Primary School, Necip Fazıl Kısakürek Imam Hatip Secondary School, Arnavutköy Primary School, Arnavutköy Cumhuriyet Secondary School and private educational institutions located in our neighborhood.
The main places of worship in our neighborhood include Anadolu Fetih Mosque, Çiftliktepe Mosque, Hz. Ebubekir Mosque and Mevlana Mosque.
Important Addresses:
Anadolu Family Health Center Address: Anadolu Neighborhood, Mücevher Street, No: 40/A Tel: 0551 397 11 27
Anadolu Neighborhood Mukhtar (Mukhtar: Bayram DELİDUMAN) Address: Anadolu Neighborhood, Mimar Sinan Street, No: 24/A Tel: 0212 681 02 39
Cahit Zarifoglu National Library Address: Anadolu Neighborhood, Mimar Sinan Street, No: 24 Tel: 0212 597 66 22
Note: Detailed information about our neighborhood can be accessed from the neighborhood mukhtar's office.
Mustafa CANDAROĞLU, originally from Cide, Kastamonu, was born on December 5, 1984, in Arnavutköy, Istanbul.
He graduated from Boğazköy Primary School in 1996, Asfa Middle School in 1999, and Sultan Fatih Anatolian High School in 2002. Completing his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the International Cyprus University, Candaroğlu graduated in Interior Architecture in 2008. He completed his military service as a Short-Term Soldier at the Kayseri Regional Gendarmerie Command. After military service, Candaroğlu completed his master's education in Educational Institutions Management at Ibn Haldun University, and volunteered in various NGOs.
He served as Deputy President of the Arnavutköy Kastamonulular Association, and was a member of the boards of Arnavutköy Sports Club and Arnavutköy Beşiktaşlılar Association.
Being involved in politics throughout his education and social life, Candaroğlu served on the UNIAK Board of Directors in 2004 and actively entered politics in the Arnavutköy Belde Youth Branch in 2008. In Arnavutköy, which became a district in 2009, he held positions in District Congresses as follows: • 2009 as an Alternate Board Member of the District Primary Committee, • 2011 as a Board Member of the District Primary Committee, • 2013 as a Board Member of the District Primary Committee responsible for R&D and Local Governments. • Elected as District President in the 2018 and 2020 Congresses, Candaroğlu continues to serve as the AK Party Arnavutköy District President.
Born, raised, and currently living in Arnavutköy, Candaroğlu always finds happiness in serving in the AK Party, which practices politics based on the principle of "We love the created for the sake of the creator." After working for a long time as an Interior Architect in a family company, he continues to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Arnavutköy Bilgi Kalem College, which he founded in 2019.
Mustafa CANDAROĞLU, married and father of 3 children, speaks English proficiently.