Atatürk Neighborhood has a population of 8 thousand 417, and an area of 644 thousand 964 m².

With a total area of 15.000 m² and a capacity of approximately 1350 spectators, the indoor portable grandstand Bolluca District Stadium is also located within the boundaries of our neighborhood.

Citizens can receive health care services from the Arnavutköy Family Health Center No. 6 located in our neighborhood.

Brought to our neighborhood by the municipality, Şirin Park offers healthy and social life opportunities to citizens in our neighborhood.

Boğazköy Abdülaziz Efendi Mosque is the main place of worship of our neighborhood.

Important Addresses:

Atatürk Neighborhood Mukhtar (Mukhtar: Sebahattin TUNCER) Address: Atatürk Neighborhood, Leyla
Street, No: 62 Tel: 0212 685 05 55

Arnavutköy Family Health Center No. 6 Address: Atatürk Neighborhood, Kayalı Street, No. 1 Tel: 0212
685 01 06

Bolluca District Stadium Address: Atatürk Neighborhood, Pala Street, Phone Number: 444 4 597

Note: Detailed information about our neighborhood can be accessed from the neighborhood mukhtar's office.

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