With a population of 7 thousand 42, Ömerli Neighborhood has an area of 10 million 892 thousand 300 m².
Citizens can receive health care services from Asiye Dökümcü Family Health Center located in our neighborhood and from the Deniz and Meram Pharmacies in our neighborhood.
Also established by the municipality in our neighborhood, Dr. Muhtar Ahmet Ensari Park offers a healthy and social life to citizens in our neighborhood.
Children and young people can receive educational services from Ömerli Primary School, IBB Evliya Çelebi Primary School and IBB Evliya Çelebi Secondary School in our neighborhood.
Hadımköy Koskop Industrial Estate Mosque, Ömerli Mosque, Osmanlı Külliye Mosque and Hz. Hamza Mosque are the main place of worship in our neighborhood.

Important Addresses:
Asiye Dökümcü Family Health Center Address: Ömerli Neighborhood, Hadımköy-Ömerli Street, No: 62 Tel: 0212 798 21 06
Ömerli Neighborhood Muhtar's Office (Mukhtar: Selçuk ÖZTÜRK) Address: Ömerli Neighborhood,
Hadımköy-Ömerli Street, No: 60 Tel: 0212 798 30 14

Note: Detailed information about our neighborhood can be accessed from the neighborhood mukhtar's office.

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