With a population of 10 thousand 465, İmrahor Neighborhood has an area of 973 thousand 595 m².
Built by our municipality, İmrahor Picnic Area Park, Martyr Private Musa Tikicieri Park, Reşadiye İmrahor Park and Taşoluk Picnic Area Park provide healthy and social living opportunities to our citizens in the neighborhood.
Citizens can receive health care services from İmrahor Family Health Center and Gümüş Pharmacy located in our neighborhood.
Children can receive education services from Halis Kutmangil Primary School and Halis Kutmangil Secondary School in our neighborhood.
İmrahor Hz. Ömer Mosque, İmrahor Abdulaziz Mosque, İmrahor Malkoçoğlu Mosque and İmrahor Central Mosque are the main places of worship in our neighborhood.

Important Addresses:
İmrahor Neighborhood Mukhtar's Office (Mukhtar:
Faik KOÇAK) Address: İmrahor Neighborhood,
Sevban Mehmet Street, No: 173 Tel: 0212 686 00 69

İmrahor Family Health Center Address: İmrahor Neighborhood,
Sevban Mehmet Avenue, Ferhat Paşa Street, No: 1 Tel: 0212 686 11 10

İmrahor Picnic Area Address: İmrahor Neighborhood, Sevban Mehmet Street, No:235 Tel: 444 4 597

Note: Detailed information about our neighborhood can be accessed from the neighborhood mukhtar's office.

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