With a population of 3 thousand 385, Tayakadin Neighborhood has an area of 35 million 242 thousand 292 m². Built in our neighborhood by the municipality, Tayakadın Park offers healthy and social life opportunities to citizens in our neighborhood. Children can receive educational services from the Tayakadın Primary School in our neighborhood. Çiçekli Mosque, Tayakadın Merkez Mosque, Tayakadın Sefa Mosque, Hacı Sultan Selim Mosque and Istanbul Airport Masjid are the main places of worship in our neighborhood. Located at the intersection of Asia, Europe and the Middle East with its strategic geographical location connecting the continents in Istanbul, the Istanbul Airport serving as one of the most important aviation centers in the world is also located within the boundaries of our Tayakadın neighborhood.

Important Addresses:
Tayakadın Neighborhood Mukhtar's Office (Mukhtar:
Solmaz BOZDEMİR) Address: Tayakadın Neighborhood,
Yassıören Street, No: 48 Tel: 682 61 00
IGA Istanbul Airport Address: Tayakadin Neighborhood, Terminal Street, No: 1 Tel: 444 1 442

Note: Detailed information about our neighborhood can be accessed from the neighborhood mukhtar's office

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