Istanbul Arnavutköy Municipality
  • The Concept of Ethics

    3 year ago

    The Law No. 5176 on "the Principles of Ethical Conduct of Civil Servants, and Application Procedures and Principles" was published on April 25, 2004 and entered into force. As per article 7 of this law, "the Regulation on the Principles of Ethical Conduct of Civil Servants, and Application Procedures and Principles" was prepared and published in the Official Gazette No. 25785 on April 13, 2005 and entered into force.

    The purpose of this regulation is to: 

    • Build an ethical culture in the public sector,
    • Determine the principles of ethical conduct that public officials should adhere to when performing their duties,
    • Increase confidence in public administration by eliminating situations damaging the principles of justice, honesty, transparency and impartiality in the performance of duties or leading to distrust in society,
    • Inform the society about the behaviors they have the right to expect from civil servants,
    • Regulate the procedures and principles to apply to the committee.

      As per article 29 of Regulation on Principles of Ethical Conduct of Civil Servants and Application Procedures and Principles entering into force after being published in the Official Gazette No. 25785 on 13.04.2005, our Mayor's Office established the Ethics Committee.

      The Ethics Committee aims to:
    • Help civil servants abide by these principles,
    • Build and develop a culture of ethics in institutions and organizations,
    • Provide recommendations and guidance regarding the problems the staff faces in complying with the principles of ethical conduct,
    • Evaluate ethical practices.

    Depending on the nature of the service or task they perform, institutions and organizations can regulate the principles of corporate ethical conduct and submit them to the review and approval of the Ethics Committee of Civil Servants.

  • Ethics Commissioners

    3 year ago


    President:  Zekeriya KOÇ  (Vice President)
    Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Internal Phone No: 2074 - 2075

    Member: Yunus BURAK  (Editor-in-Chief)
    Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Internal Phone No: 2528

    Member:  Ümit ALKAN  (Director of Legal Affairs)
    Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Internal No: 2525

    Member:  Yalçın AKTAŞ  (Human Resources and Training Manager)
    Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Internal Phone No: 2510

    Member:  İlkay SARI  (Information Technologies Manager)
    Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Internal Phone No: 2524

    Member:  Mutlu BAHTİYAR  (Director of Cultural Affairs)
    Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Internal Phone No: 2517

    Member: Mahmut OKUR  ( Director of Youth and Sports Services )
    Taşoluk Neighborhood, Kazim Karabekir Street, No: 88 Internal Phone No: 2526

  • Ethical Activities

    3 year ago

    Ethical Activities

    After "the Law on the Principles of Ethical Conduct of Civil Servants and Application Procedures and Principles" entered into force, all the personnel signed the "Civil Servants Ethical Contract" and it was added to their personal files. Newly employed personnel also sign this document on the start date of employment, and it is added to their personal files. Every year, Mat 25 is celebrated as the "Ethics Day", and the week of May 25 as the "Ethics Week" throughout the country. The Ethics Committee of Arnavutköy Municipality continues its effort to develop and spread an ethical culture. Arnavutköy Municipality Ethics Committee meetings are held periodically. The Ethics Committee held its latest meeting on 30.05.2022.

    Click for the content of the meeting.

  • Regulations

    3 year ago